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Leverhulme CFI


A visual identity for the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence’s first annual conference, which brought together some of the world’s leading experts in artificial intelligence for a fascinating two-day programme.


This was such a fun job to be involved with, because of all the obvious visuals around robots and sci-fi. We wanted to touch on this because preconceptions of AI was a theme of the conference. This started conversations around movement, repetition and machine learning more broadly. From the obvious came subtle graphic patterns that were conceptually appropriate and flexible in working across the numerous conference materials.


The conference booklet was the main part of the work, coming up with a stylish presentation of the conference programme and showcasing the sponsors and projects. We used some semi-transparent papers and a shiny paper stock for the covers that felt suitably futuristic with the pattern applied.


I had the privilege of attending the conference and it was so exciting to see branded materials in the hands of such eminent academics. Seeing Sir David Speigelhalter give his keynote address in front of my work was also pretty cool. Click the image above of Professor Stuart Russell of UC Berkeley, to see one of my favourite talks of the conference – on the ethics of AI. You can also see the conference in full here and here.